Cross-sectional study of risk factors for symptoms in the neck and shoulder area

This study was performed in order to evaluate how individual characteristics, as well as ergonomic, organizational and psychosocial factors in the work situation are associated with early symptoms in the neck and shoulder area. Nine hundred randomly drawn subjects of the working population in a semi-rural community in Sweden were mailed a questionnaire comprising the Nordic questionnaire on musculoskeletal symptoms, questions on ergonomic, organizational and psychosocial work conditions, life style factors, and background factors. The total response rate was 73% ( n = 637). Questions on ergonomic work conditions and on organizational and psychosocial work conditions provided the measures of exposure. Prevalence ratios (PR) were calculated for symptoms in the neck and shoulder area as reported by 303 subjects. Significant determinants for early symptoms were being a female and being an immigrant, as were repetitive movements demanding precision. High work pace, low work content and work role ambiguity were significant organizational risk factors while life style characteristics did not appear as risk factors. The results suggest that symptoms are signals not only of ergonomic deficiencies in the work situation, but in particular of work organizational conditions. Special attention should be given to the work conditions of women and immigrants in preventive interventions.