Streptococcal Infection in Pediatric Patients

DICLOXACILLIN sodium monohydrate, a new semisynthetic penicillin which is readily absorbed by mouth and is acid- and penicillinase-resistant,1-3 has been reported to have a high degree of effectiveness in the treatment of patients with infections caused by group A streptococci.3,4 The presence of two chloride ions on the phenyl group chemically distinguishes dicloxacillin from cloxacillin sodium monohydrate, which has one chloride ion, and from oxacillin sodium, which has none. Because of its reported effectiveness against streptococcal infections, it is necessary to compare results achieved with dicloxacillin therapy with those produced by an antibiotic with established effectiveness against these infections. This study has been designed to compare the clinical and antibacterial effectiveness of dicloxacillin with that of phenoxymethol penicillin potassium in streptococcal tonsillitis and pharyngitis under double-blind, controlled conditions. Materials and Methods One hundred pediatric patients in the authors' private practices were selected for study on the basis of