Current Urological Practice: Routine Urological Examination and Early Detection of Carcinoma of the Prostate

With the increasing incidence of carcinoma of the prostate, the interest in early diagnosis through screening has dramatically increased. Several organizations, including the American Urological Association (AUA) and the American Cancer Society, have promulgated recommendations on suggested early detection methods. To determine the current practice patterns of United States urologists, a survey was sent to a random sample of 10% of all urologist members of the AUA. The survey was designed to determine what are current recommendations for an annual urological checkup for older men, what tests should be included in screening for carcinoma of the prostate and what age groups of men should undergo prostate cancer screening. A total of 562 surveys was returned, constituting a 4.7% sample of all urologist members of the AUA. The use of digital rectal examination was unanimously recommended for the urological examination as well as for prostate cancer detection. Prostate specific antigen was recommended by a majority of respondents for both situations. Screening was recommended for men ages 50 to 80 years. Demographic factors had a significant role in clinical recommendations by urologists.