Several investigations (Shaw & Norton, 1906; Darnell & Copeland, 1936; Kimberley, 1976) have reported no appreciable loss of nutrients of unbroken grain voided by cattle. Although the chemical composition of voided whole grain may be similar to the grain as fed, losses in grain dry matter ranging from 10 to 26% for cereal grains passing through the alimentary tract of steers have been measured (Toland, 1976, 1978a, 6). In one of these studies (Toland, 19786) the disappearance of grain dry matter of whole oats and wheat in nylon bags suspended in the rumen for 48 h was approximately 20 and 35 % respectively. Further analyses of this dry matter remaining in the nylon bags for 48 and 96 h of incubation would indicate which components of the grain were being broken down in rumen fermentation. This report provides information on the differential loss of the fibre and starch components of the grain dry matter from incubation in nylon bags for the two varieties each of oats and wheat and for an additional cereal grain, triticale.