Elastic scattering of polarized protons fromHe3at intermediate energies

Differential cross sections and analyzing powers for proton elastic scattering from He3 have been measured for proton scattering angles between 15° and 150° in the center of mass at incident proton energies of 200, 300, 415, and 515 MeV. These data, together with data from the literature, in the energy range 1001000 MeV, have been analyzed within the framework of the Glauber multiple scattering theory. Firstly, a simple spin-independent calculation was performed using a parametrized form for the N-N scattering amplitudes. This provided reasonable agreement with the differential cross section data. Secondly, a more detailed calculation was performed incorporating spin dependence and using a complete set of N-N scattering amplitudes as determined from phase shift analyses. The agreement with the experimental data was not improved by the more detailed calculation. Possible reasons for this discrepancy are discussed.