In order to learn more about their ability to recognize one another via olfaction, domestic male rats were given a series of preference tests in which pairs of odors from male conspecifics were presented. Both immature and mature males prefer (p less than .05) the odor from immature strangers over that from immature cage mates but are indifferent to the ordors from mature strangers versus cage mates. Both immature and mature males prefer (p less than .05) the odor from mature novel cage mates over that from mature cage mates to which they are temporarily habituated but are indifferent to the odors from immature novel versus familial cage mates. Mature males prefer (p less than .08) the odor from a cage mate over the subject's own odor, and they prefer (p less than .01) their own odor over no odor. Under certain conditions, male rats can discriminate between the odors from (a) strangers versus cage mates, (b) two cage mates, and (c) their own body versus a cage mate.