Electron density-functional theory and x-ray structure factors

For an electronic system, assume that a single-determinant wave function Ψ is to be formed from N space orbitals which, in turn, are constructed from M real one-electron basis orbitals χ1,...,χM. It is shown that N(M-N) is the minimum number of x-ray diffraction data points that are necessary to fix both Ψ and the density n uniquely. Moreover, it is shown that N(M-N) is the minimum number of linearly independent products, χi χj, that are necessary to fix Ψ uniquely from an n. Density-functional theory is invoked to put forth a prescription and formulas for approximating the exact ground-state energy, including correlation effects, and for extracting a meaningful Ψ from a ground-state n, even when Ψ is not unique. In this context, emphasis is placed upon the Kohn-Sham Ψ and its kinetic energy Ts and upon the universal correlation Ec and exchange Ex energy-density functionals. A finite-basis procedure for the approximation of Ts[n] is presented. It is then shown that only Ts[n] and Ec[n] are needed to obtain the exact total ground-state energy from a ground-state n. Ex[n] need not be employed at all. For instance, in Coulomb systems at equilibrium E=-Ts[n]+Ec[n]-Fdr vc(r)∇⋅rn(r), where vc is the correlation potential.