The t(7;11)(p15;p15) translocation in acute myeloid leukaemia fuses the genes for nucleoporin NUP96 and class I homeoprotein HOXA9

The t(7;11)(p15;p15) translocation is a recurrent chromosomal abnormality associated primarily with acute myeloid leukaemia (FAB M2 and M4). We present here the molecular definition of this translocation. On chromosome 7 positional cloning revealed the consistent rearrangement of the HOXA9 gene, which encodes a class I homeodomain protein potentially involved in myeloid differentiation. On chromosome 11 the translocation targets the human homologue of NUPP98, a member of the GLFG nucleoporin family. Chimaeric messages spliced over the breakpoint fuse the GLFG repeat domains of NUP98 in-frame to the HOXA9 homeobox. The predicted NUP98–HOXA9 fusion protein may promote leukaemogenesis through inhibition of HOXA9-mediated terminal differentiation and/or aberrant nucleocytoplasmic transport.