Influence of Fermentation in the Silo on Rumen Fermentation, Silage Intake, and Digestibility

Direct-cut wheat and ryegrass forage was ensiled as 1) forage alone, 2) forage + (5% corn + 0.25% urea), and 3) forage + (5% corn + 0.25% urea + 0.5% CaC03). The forages were fed to dairy heifers to measure the influence of fermentation in the silo in intake; to fistulated steers to measure rumen fermentation; and to sheep to estimate digestibility. Treatment 3 pro- duced a decrease (P < .01) in dry matter intake and in tbe digestibility of dry matter and nitrogen-free extract. Treatment 3 also resulted in significantly less propionic and valeric acid in the rumen fluid. The concentration of butyric acid in the rumen fluid reflected the butyric acid levels in the silage. The data demonstrate a series of interactions between fermentation in the silo, tureen fermentation, silage digestibil- ity, and animal performance.