The North American Lightning Detection Network (NALDN)—First Results: 1998–2000

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Cloud-to-ground lightning data have been analyzed for the years 1998–2000 for North America (Canada plus the contiguous United States) for all ground flashes, positive flashes, the percentage of positive lightning, peak currents for negative and positive lightning, and for negative and positive multiplicity. The authors examined a total of 88.7 million flashes divided among the three years: 31.1 million (1998), 29.5 million (1999), and 28.2 million (2000). Annual flash densities are derived from 245–424 km2 regions and are uncorrected for flash detection efficiency. The highest flash densities in Canada are along the U.S.–Canadian border (1–3 flashes km−2), and in the United States along the Gulf of Mexico coast and Florida (exceeding 9 flashes km−2). Maximum annual positive flash densities in Canada generally range primarily from 0.1 to 0.3 flashes km−2, and in the United States to over 0.7 flashes km−2 (areas in the Midwest, the Gulf Coast, and Florida). Areas of greater than 20% positive light... Abstract Cloud-to-ground lightning data have been analyzed for the years 1998–2000 for North America (Canada plus the contiguous United States) for all ground flashes, positive flashes, the percentage of positive lightning, peak currents for negative and positive lightning, and for negative and positive multiplicity. The authors examined a total of 88.7 million flashes divided among the three years: 31.1 million (1998), 29.5 million (1999), and 28.2 million (2000). Annual flash densities are derived from 245–424 km2 regions and are uncorrected for flash detection efficiency. The highest flash densities in Canada are along the U.S.–Canadian border (1–3 flashes km−2), and in the United States along the Gulf of Mexico coast and Florida (exceeding 9 flashes km−2). Maximum annual positive flash densities in Canada generally range primarily from 0.1 to 0.3 flashes km−2, and in the United States to over 0.7 flashes km−2 (areas in the Midwest, the Gulf Coast, and Florida). Areas of greater than 20% positive light...