The diversity of non‐glandular and glandular hairs of Cannabis sativa L. (marihuana) are described by scanning electron microscopy. The non‐glandular hairs are of two major types, as distinguished by size differences and locations, and all of them are highly silicified. The presence of silica as well as cystoliths of calcium carbonate help in the identification of marihuana even in its ash residues. X‐ray microanalyses of Cannabis hairs are compared with those of Humulus lupulus and Lantana camera, whose hairs have been considered to resemble those of marihuana. Glandular hairs are found to be of two major categories. One group consists of glands whose heads are generally made up of eight cells and the other group whose heads are generally made up of two cells but never more than four cells. All glands of both categories are stalked. Some glands of the first category are massively stalked and these are restricted solely to anthers and bracts of staminate and pistillate plants. The massive stalk is considered to be made up of epidermal and hypodermal cells that have grown in response to some stimulation during anthesis. Fine details of the shoot system of Cannabis, such as cuticular ridges on epidermal cells, warty protuberances on non‐glandular hairs, and surface views of glands in developing stages are also reported. Glandular hairs on the bracts of Humulus lupulus resemble those of Cannabis.
Funding Information
  • National Science Foundation (BMS 75‐16359)