Lowicryl K4M embedding of brain tissue for immunogold electron microscopy.

We present methods for embedding brain tissue in Lowicryl K4M embedding medium and localizing antigens using postembedding immunogold techniques. After perfusion fixation with 4% paraformaldehyde and 0.1% glutaraldehyde in 0.1 M cacodylate buffer, blocks of rat brain were placed in 2% aqueous uranyl acetate for 1 hour, dehydrated in 50%, 70%, and 95% ethanol, infiltrated with Lowicryl/ethanol mixtures (1:2 for 10 min, 1:1 for 15 min) and 100% Lowicryl (20 min and 25 min). Polymerization was carried out under UV light for 24-48 hours at room temperature. Several neural antigens, including three different synaptic vesicle proteins and an enzyme associated with the postsynaptic density, were localized by this technique, indicating that this procedure may have wide applicability.