250-GeV/cπ−pmultiplicity distributions and the two-component model

The charged-particle multiplicity distribution from 250-GeV/c πp interactions in the Fermilab 15-ft bubble chamber is presented. The corrections to the raw data are described. Fits to these data along with other high-energy bubble-chamber data show that cluster models with two components—a low-multiplicity, diffractive component and a high-multiplicity, nondiffractive component—describe the data fairly well. The charged multiplicity of each cluster is found to be ∼2, while the number of clusters for each component grows linearly with ln(s). The multiplicity moments are consistent with other experiments. We find nc=8.427±0.059, f2cc=8.66±0.11, ncD=2.038±0.023. The total inelastic cross section is σI=21.42±0.50 mb.