A aouble-blind study with 40 healthy students was done in order to measure the effects of a 2-week treatment with chlordiazepoxide lactam (5 mg), nordiazepam (10 mg), oxazepam (15 mg) and methyloxazepam (20 mg) on immediate memory and associative learning. The drugs were administered t.i.d. and the tests were done after the very last capsule was given. It was ingested with a placebo drink and 0.5 g alcohol/kg body weight. Oxazepam and methyloxazepam alone behaved similar to the placebo. Immediate memory was significantly impaired following the treatment with nordiazepam, chlordiazepoxide lactam, alcohol, and after the simultaneous administration of nordiazepam and chlordiazepoxide lactam with alcohol. Chlordiazepoxide lactam was the only drug which alone impaired associative learning. Also alcohol alone, and all the drugs in combination with alcohol retarded learning acquisition.