The orbit and exposure history of the Piplia Kalan eucrite

Abstract— Cosmogenic radionuclides, particle tracks and rare gases have been measured in two fragments of the Piplia Kalan eucrite that fell in Rajasthan, India on 1996 June 20. The cosmic‐ray exposure age of the meteorite is calculated to be 23 Ma, which is similar to ages of some other eucrites. The track density in feldspars and pyroxenes varies between 0.2 × 106 to ∼4.5 × 106 cm−2. The mass ablation of the meteorite, based on the distribution of track density in near‐surface samples of the two fragments, is calculated to be ∼75%, which corresponds to an entry velocity of ∼17 km/s. The orbital parameters of the eucrite have been computed from the radiant of the meteor trail and the geocentric velocity. The best estimates are a = 2.47 AU, e = 0.62 and i = 7.54°, which is similar to the orbital elements of other meteorites, most of which have been inferred to originate within 2.6 AU of the Sun. The activity of the radionuclide 26Al agrees with the expected production rate; whereas the shortlived radionuclides 22Na, 54Mn, 46Sc etc. have levels that are consistent with the galactic cosmic‐ray fluxes that are expected during the solar minimum period before the time of fall. All the cosmogenic effects (i.e., radio‐ and stable‐ nuclides and particle tracks) are consistent with the meteoroid having had a simple, one‐stage exposure history in interplanetary space. Lower radio genic ages of U, Th‐He (0.7 Ga) and K‐Ar (3.6 Ga) indicate severe losses of 4He and 40Ar, as observed in most eucrites. A Pu‐Xe age, concordant with Angra dos Reis, shows that Piplia belongs to the “old” eucrite group.