Three-body recombination of spin-polarized atomic hydrogen in very strong magnetic fields

The study of spin-polarized atomic hydrogen in the three-dimensional gas phase has been extended into a new regime of magnetic field strength. Analysis of decay data for B=10–20 T reveal for the first time the characteristic peak in the three-body dipolar-decay rate constant as predicted by Kagan, Vartanyants, and Shlyapnikov (Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 81, 1113 (1981) [Sov. Phys.JETP 54, 590 (1981)]). Beyond 17 T we observe a rapid falloff of the three-body-decay rate constant. We also determine a value for the three-body-exchange rate constant which is in accord with the calculation of Kagan et al. In contrast to the picture which was emerging from previous studies at more moderate fields, the data presented here suggest that existing theories are capable of describing the decay of the system in the very-high-field limit. The new picture which is emerging suggests that Bose-Einstein condensation may be achievable at somewhat higher fields which are currently available at high-magnetic-field facilities.