Does the vestibular apparatus play a role in the development of the visual system?

1. The receptive field properties of visual cortical neurones were investigated in kittens that had been subjected to either unilateral or bilateral labyrinthectomy shortly after birth.2. Two kittens were reared in a normal visual environment. Another two were reared in the dark with recurrent exposures to vertically oriented black and white stripes, which in normal kittens is known to bias the distribution of receptive field orientations.3. For both normally reared and stripe‐reared labyrinthectomized kittens, no differences were detected in cell types, preferred orientations, binocularity, columnar organization, or any other neuronal properties, compared with similarly reared intact kittens.4. The failure to detect deficits in visual development after labyrinthectomy is discussed in relation to other reports of vestibular influences on the visual system of the adult cat.