Synthesis and Characterization of Capillary Columns Coated with Glycoside-Bearing Polymer

Fused silica capillary columns were coated with a polymer obtained by radical polymerization of a novel acrylamido derivative, [(N-acryloylamino)ethoxy]ethyl-β-d-glucopyranose (AEG). This monomer, bearing a monosaccharide residue, was synthesized by direct coupling of [(N-acryloylamino)ethoxy]ethanol with glucose. The aim of this work was to demonstrate that weak, reversible interactions that take place between wall polymer coatings and protein analytes lead to poor reproducibility of transit times and capillary performance degradation. The pronounced hydrophilicity of the new poly(AEG) phase improves the reproducibility of transit times and the peak efficiency, as demonstrated by a complete series of tests carried out at various pH values.

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