Regulation of Purkinje Cell Alignment by Reelin as Revealed with CR-50 Antibody

Cerebellar Purkinje cells are generated in the ventricular zone, migrate outward, and finally form a monolayer in the cortex. Inreelermice, however, most Purkinje cells cluster abnormally in subcortical areas. Reelin, the candidatereelergene product recognized by the CR-50 monoclonal antibody, is concentrated in a cortical zone along which Purkinje cells are aligned linearly, implying that it may regulate their alignment. We used anin vitrosystem and a transplantation approach to analyze the function of Reelin.Explant culture for 7 d of cerebella isolated from wild-type andreelermice at embryonic day 13 (E13) reproduced in a phenotype-dependent manner the two distinct arrangement patterns (linear vs clustered) of Purkinje cells. Extensive CR-50 binding to wild-type explants converted the linear pattern into areeler-like, clustered pattern. On the other hand, whenreelerexplants lacking Reelin were crowned with an artificial layer of Reelin+granule cells, some Reelin molecules were distributed into a superficial zone of thereelerexplants, and Purkinje cells formed a linear pattern along the Reelin-rich overlay. This “rescue” effect was also inhibited by CR-50. Hence, Reelin is involved in the Purkinje cell alignment, and the lack of this activity may explain the malformation inreelercerebella.We further injected Reelin+granule cells into the fourth ventricle of E12–13 mice. Extensive incorporation of the injected Reelin+cells into the ventricular zone, but not of Reelincells, forced Purkinje cells of the host cerebella to form an aberrant layer, suggesting that premigratory Purkinje cells may already be responsive to Reelin or Reelin-related signals.