A methodology for testing for statistically significant differences between fully 3D PET reconstruction algorithms

We present a practical methodology for evaluating 3D PET reconstruction methods. It includes generation of random samples from a statistically described ensemble of 3D images resembling those to which PET would be applied in a medical situation, generation of corresponding projection data with noise and detector point spread function simulating those of a 3D PET scanner, assignment of figures of merit appropriate for the intended medical applications, optimization of the reconstruction algorithms on a training set of data, and statistical testing of the validity of hypotheses that say that two reconstruction algorithms perform equally well (from the point of view of a particular figure of merit) as compared to the alternative hypotheses that say that one of the algorithms outperforms the other. Although the methodology was developed with the 3D PET in mind, it can be used, with minor changes, for other 3D data collection methods, such as fully 3D cr or SPECT.