Silver-banded karyotypes of the rainbow trout and the brook trout and their hybrids: Disappearance in allotriploids of Ag-NORs originated from the brook trout.

Silver-banded karyotypes of the rainbow trout Salmo gairdneri, the brook trout Salvelinus fontinalis, and their hybrids were described. Diploid-type and triploid-type hybrids were obtained. Triploid-type hybrids had two maternal genomes of the rainbow trout and one paternal genome of the brook trout. The rainbow trout had one pair of M or SM with Ag-NORs near the satellite. In the brook trout, Ag-NORs were observed in four pairs of chromosomes, but each cell had different number of chromosomes with Ag-NORs. In all observed cells of triploid-type hybrids, Ag-NORs originated from the brook trout were not recognized, whereas those from the rainbow trout were found.