FTIR Analysis of the SII540 Intermediate of Sensory Rhodopsin II: Asp73 Is the Schiff Base Proton Acceptor

Sensory rhodopsin II (SRII), a repellent phototaxis receptor found in Halobacterium salinarum, has several homologous residues which have been found to be important for the proper functioning of bacteriorhodopsin (BR), a light-driven proton pump. These include Asp73, which in the case of bacteriorhodopsin (Asp85) functions as the Schiff base counterion and proton acceptor. We analyzed the photocycles of both wild-type SRII and the mutant D73E, both reconstituted in Halobacterium salinarum lipids, using FTIR difference spectroscopy under conditions that favor accumulation of the O-like, photocycle intermediate, SII540. At both room temperature and −20 °C, the difference spectrum of SRII is similar to the BR→O640 difference spectrum of BR, especially in the configurationally sensitive retinal fingerprint region. This indicates that SII540 has an all-trans chromophore similar to the O640 intermediate in BR. A positive band at 1761 cm-1 downshifts 40 cm-1 in the mutant D73E, confirming that Asp73 undergoes a protonation reaction and functions in analogy to Asp85 in BR as a Schiff base proton acceptor. Several other bands in the CO stretching regions are identified which reflect protonation or hydrogen bonding changes of additional Asp and/or Glu residues. Intense bands in the amide I region indicate that a protein conformational change occurs in the late SRII photocycle which may be similar to the conformational changes that occur in the late BR photocycle. However, unlike BR, this conformational change does not reverse during formation of the O-like intermediate, and the peptide groups giving rise to these bands are partially accessible for hydrogen/deuterium exchange. Implications of these findings for the mechanism of SRII signal transduction are discussed.