The germ-cell cycle and method of reproduction in the daughter sporocysts of the bucephalid Cercaria bucephalopsis haimeana (Lacaze-Duthiers, 1854) and the gymnophallid Cercaria dichotoma Lebour, 1911 (non Müller) from the edible cockle, Cardium edule L., have been investigated by the examination of stained sections. A review is given of the principal interpretative theories which attempt to explain the nature of the reproduction and the homology of the germinal sacs of the Digenea. It is suggested that the life-cycle includes a cyclic alternation of homologous generations. Of these, the miracidium/mother-sporocyst and the daughter germinal-sac generations usually reproduce by apomictic parthenogenesis but polyembryony may also occur secondarily in some species.We are very grateful to Dr Gwendolen Rees and Professor E. W. Knight-Jones for considerable help with the manuscript.