Glial FibriUary Acidic Protein (GFAP) Immunoreactivity in Peripheral Nerve Sheath Tumors

A spectrum of 24 benign and malignant nerve sheath tumors and 10 non-neural spindle-cell tumors were studied by iight microscopy for the presence of glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) immunoreactivity by the peroxidase-antiperoxidase (PAP) technique. In 8 cases, these results were compared to their electron mocroscopic appearances. Seventy percent (7 of 10) of begnine schwannomas and 50% (4 of 8) of benign neurofibromas demonstrated focal to diffuse GFAP immunoreactivity. None of the malignant nerve sheath tumors nor any of the non-neural spindle-cell neoplasms contained demonstrable GFAP immunoreactivity. Similarly, no GFAP immunoreactivity could be detected in Schwann cells in normal peripheral nerves. The solitary benign schwannoma available for electron microscopic study demonstrated diffuse and abundant cytoplasmic intermediate filaments, and this tumor displayed diffuse and intense GFAP immunoreactivity. Two benign neurofibromas showed a more variable content of intermediate filaments ultrastruc-turally, and their GFAP immunoreactivity was variable. All five malignant nerve sheath tumors studied by electron microscopy displayed a variable complement of intermediate filaments; however, none of these tumors possessed GFAP immunoreactivity, suggesting that these intermediate filaments are either members of a different class of intermediate filaments or may perhaps represent “altered” GFAP not recognized by these antisera.