Flavour assessment ultimately depends on sensory methods of analysis. Profile methods are considered to offer the best current solution to the problem of describing, and as far as possible quantifying, beer flavour. The sensory characteristics of flavour must be identified and described systematically and objectively, without prejudice due to preferences. A flavour ‘vocabulary’ is needed which is applicable to all types of beer. This involves selection of significant terms which have the same meaning for different people. Any system universally applicable to all types of beer must necessarily be complex, but such a “universal” system is essential for research. It also provides a “dictionary” from which terms can be selected for simpler profiles for quality control of particular products. The steps in the development of a profile system are described. Development has depended and will continue to depend on the collaboration of a large number of individuals and groups of people within the industry. Profile systems cannot be static but must continuously evolve.

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