Synopsis: The Moffat Shales crop out in the Selcoth Burn, a northwestward flowing tributary of the Moffat Water (Dumfries & Galloway Region : Annandale & Eskdale District) in a series of schuppen related to the southwestward continuation of the Ettrick Valley Thrust through Craigmichan Scaurs. These schuppen confirm the status of the latter as a major thrust carrying wedges of Moffat Shales southeastwards across higher beds of the Gala Group. The thrust is considered to have developed in relationship to a major décollement of Patagonian type. This décollement was itself probably controlled by the Moffat Shales. Diagnosis of strata of higher Monograptus turriculatus Zone age in the Craigmichan Scaurs outcrop of the Moffat Shales indicates a continued southeastward ascent of the base of the flysch facies of the Gala Group, and suggests that the axial rise of the Moffat Geosyncline does not crop out within the Southern Uplands. The rise is probably concealed under, or involved with, the postulated décollement.