Measurements are described of the amplitude and phase of the Fourier transform of the distribution of brightness at 127 Mc/s within the intense radio sources Cygnus A (19N4A) and Cassiopeia A (23N5A) along an axis in the East–West direction. The brightness distribution is computed from the observed readings and in the case of Cygnus A is shown to confirm the existence of two major emitting regions of almost equal intensity. The α component, leading in right ascension, is slightly brighter than the β component. Measurements are also described of the determination of the position of the major axis of the source. It is evident that the diameter of the Cygnus source in a position angle close to 187° must be relatively very small. The measurements on Cassiopeia indicate the presence of a faint spur near position angle 90° together with probably slight limb brightening of the main body of the source.