Dual Wavelength Parametric Test of Two-State Models for Circular Dichroism Spectra of Helical Polypeptides: Anomalous Dichroic Properties of Alanine-Rich Peptides

A two-state helix-coil model underlies all calculations of fractional helicities FH from CD spectra of helical polypeptides. The presence of an isodichroic point near 203 nm is widely assumed to validate this model, but is shown here to provide inadequate validation for alanine-rich peptides. A parametric correlation with constant slope B between CD ellipticities at a pair of wavelengths is introduced as a more rigorous two-state test. Correlations of temperature-dependent [θ]222 vs [θ]208 values are reported for a variety of peptides. Constant slopes B are observed for literature CD data obtained from fragments of helical proteins and dimeric helical coiled coils, but parametric correlations of CD data for alanine-rich peptides consistently exhibit anomalous concave upward curvature, characterized by local slopes that are linearly temperature dependent. Low-temperature CD studies together with parametric correlations at a series of wavelengths demonstrate that the curvature anomaly is maximal at 222 nm and localized in the 215−230 nm wavelength region. Precedented structural variation of the φ, ψ dihedral angles of the α-helix is suggested as a possible explanation. For the important case of alanine-rich peptides, experiments are proposed that may yield temperature corrections for [θ]222 and permit reliable calculations of FH from [θ]222 values.