Elastic Spectra of Two-Dimensional Disordered Lattices

The elastic vibrational spectra of perturbed square-lattice systems with nearest-neighbor central and noncentral interactions have been derived. The unperturbed system consists of masses m on the lattice points and interacting with force constants α, which determines the resistance to compression, and β, which determines the resistance to shear along the direction [10]. In one case, the perturbations are Nq randomly positioned isotopic impurities of mass m, where N is the number of lattice sites. It is shown that the elastic spectrum for this and all other isotopic impurity systems is completely determined by the average mass, m¯=(1q)m+qm. In the other case, corresponding to certain order-disorder situations, the constants describing the interactions between 2Nq randomly positioned pairs of nearest neighbors are replaced by α and β. To first order in q, the resulting elastic modes are then completely determined by an average α, α¯=α1+q(αα)α+(αα)(2π) invtan(αβ)12 and a similar average, β¯, which is obtained from the previous expression via the interchange of α and β. The appearance of β in the expression for α¯ implies that the virtual-crystal approximation fails. It is shown, however, that two different forms of the virtual-crystal approximation place bounds on the α¯ and β¯, in accordance with a general theorem of Paul. A physical interpretation of the results is also presented.

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