Spectroscopic measurements on vacuum spark plasmas

Photoelectric spectra of the regions corresponding to resonance line emission of He-like ions of titanium, iron, and copper from a low-inductance vacuum spark were obtained, as were spectra of the regions corresponding to Kα and Kβ emission from the same elements and to Kβ emission of molybdenum. Electron temperatures are estimated from continuous x-ray emission spectra to κTe15 keV; ion temperatures from x-ray line widths to κTi10 keV. A broad peak superimposed on the visible continuum is interpreted as anomalous bremsstrahlung at twice the electron plasma frequency. The resultant electron density is Ne5×1020 cm3, consistent with the absence of forbidden He-like ion lines. Experimental observations support the suggestion that the x-ray-producing dense plasmas are due to interactions between pulsed electron beams and low-temperature anode vapors or plasmas.