The white pine weevil in British Columbia: Basis for an integrated pest management system

Research programs to date in British Columbia on the biology, damage and control of the white pine weevil, Pissodes strobi (Peck), a pest of spruce, Picea spp. and pine, Pinus spp., are reviewed. Significant progress has been made in the areas of genetic resistance, silvicultural and chemical control. An integrated pest management (IPM) system is formulated which combines silviculture-driven and resistance-driven tactics. The system relies on accurate hazard rating of plantation sites and requires continuous monitoring of attack levels and the forecasting of plantation productivity under various IPM tactics through the use of a decision support system. Research needs which would increase effectiveness of the IPM system are reviewed and organized in the context of the plantation productivity cycle. Key words: insect control, Pissodes strobi, IPM, genetic resistance, silvicultural control, chemical control, decision support system