Nge of human experiences and responses to health and illness” (Association of Rehabilitation Nurses, 1996, p.1). Rehabilitation nurses must become strongly aware of the role that culture plays in this process. This article presents a conceptual model of practice with which to address cultural competence in rehabilitation nursing. The model's constructs of cultural awareness, cultural knowledge, cultural encounters, cultural skill, and cultural desire are discussed. Examples from the field of rehabilitation nursing are presented in the discussion of these constructs. 11108 Huntwicke Place, Cincinnati, OH 45241, e-mail meddir@aol.com. Dr. Josepha Campinha-Bacote is president and founder of Transcultural C.A.R.E. Associates in Cincinnati. Her specialty areas are ethnic psychopharmacology, biocultural ecology, and ethnomusic therapy. © 2001 Association of Rehabilitation Nurses....