The cytoplasmic structures in the spermioteleosis of Bruchus quadrimaculatus were studied, using various fixatives and stains including vital and smear techniques.Mitochondria appear in all stages following spermatogonia, exhibiting characteristic appearances during mitoses and in the spermatids. The [central substance] in the halves of the nebenkern becomes localized along the edges of the outgrowing [ribbons] as the source of the marginal filament. The undulating membrane apparently is formed by the fusion of these [ribbons.] The axial filament arises from the distal centriole, being permanently attached thereto, and lies along one edge of the undulating membrane of the tail.Golgi bodies are first observed in the secondary spermatocyte; they behave characteristically during spermiogenesis, producing the acrosome and leaving a residuum, the Golgi remnant, to be sloughed off with the cytoplasm from the tail.Chromatoid bodies occur in some spermatids but not in others. They migrate backward along the axial filament to be rejected with the Golgi remnant.