Indications for Ultrasound in the Evaluation of the Pathological Scrotum

Scrotal ultrasound scans carried out on 156 patients were reviewed in a retrospective study and the sonographic findings and indications evaluated. Ultrasound was also accurately to distinguish the normal from the pathological scrotum. Extratesticular lesions were readily differentiated from testicular lesions. Abnormal testicular echo patterns were usually associated with tumours, but orchitis, granulomas and haematomas were found to have a similar appearance. Occult testicular tumours could readily be identified. Ultrasound was also useful in excluding underlying pathology in hydroceles, in the diagnosis and follow-up of epididymitis and other epididymal lesions and in the assessment of underlying testicular damage in traumatic haematoceles. Ultrasound may also be useful in post-orchiectomy follow-up examinations to exclude tumour in the contralateral testis.