Epidemiology of respiratory cancers related to nickel mining an refining in New Caledonia (1978–1984)

The incidence rate of respiratory (lung and upper respiratory tract) cancer related to the nickel industry was sudied in the male population of New Caledonia over a 7‐year period (1978–1984). The findings show no excess incidence of lung or upper respiratory tract (larynx, pharynx, nasal cavities) cancer cases in the population of nickel workers compared with the rest of the male population in New Caledonia. This result was corroborated by a case‐control study which does not indicate any particular role of hazards specific to the nickel mining and refining industry. Our findings, which may be specific 1 or the type of ore processed in New Caledonia, must nevertheless be confirmed by extending the study to a total of 10 years (1978–1987). The incidence rate of male respiratory cancer in New Caledonia was also compared to that of cancers of this type reported in certain regions of industrialized countries (Australia, France, U.K., USA). Such findings are very similar to those observed in New Caledonia, thereby confirming a predominant role of tobacco and alcohol consumption in a territcry which, despite certain characteristics of a developing country, has life‐style habits similar to those of industrialized countries.