Bright OligothiopheneN-Succinimidyl Esters for Efficient Fluorescent Labeling of Proteins and Oligonucleotides

The synthesis of multicolor fluorescent oligothiophene N-succinimidyl esters (TSEs) is reported, and their optical properties are discussed with the aid of ab initio calculations. The esters were coupled to proteins and to 3‘-amino-modified oligonucleotides in mild conditions and with similar modalities. A comparative study of the bioconjugate of IgG1 anti-CD3 antibody labeled with a blue fluorescent TSE and with fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) is reported, showing that the former achieves higher photoluminescence intensity and optical stability than the latter. Fluorescence resonance energy transfer experiments with TSE-labeled oligonucleotides and examples of cellular imaging via TSE-labeled proteins are reported.