arc6, A Fertile Arabidopsis Mutant with Only Two Mesophyll Cell Chloroplasts

A novel mutant of Arabidopsis thaliana, arc6 (accumulation and replication of chloroplasts), has been isolated from a transfer DNA-mutagenized population of Arabidopsis seedlings. arc6 has the most extreme arc mutant phenotype we have yet described, with only one to three chloroplasts per leaf mesophyll cell compared to a mean of 83 in cells of the wild-type var Wassilewskija. The chloroplasts of arc6 are 20-fold larger than wild-type chloroplasts.Chloroplast division is almost certainly precluded in arc6 mesophyll cells, since chloroplast number per cell does not increase during mesophyll cell expansion. arc6 chloroplasts are long and thin in cross-section and only one-half the width of wild-type chloroplasts and the arrangement of thylakoid membranes is largely unaltered. arc6 segregates as a monogenic recessive nuclear mutation in a normal Mendelian manner and the arc6 phenotype is stably inherited for at least four generations. arc6 plants grow normally and are fertile, although the rosette leaves appear curled and twisted. arc6 plants accumulate 70 to 75% of the biomass of wild type. The phenotype of this novel mutant is discussed in relation to the nature of the control of chloroplast division in leaf cells.