Effect of Trypsinization on Lectin Binding to Germ Cells from ICR and T/t6 Mice

Flow cytometry was used to quantify the binding of fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-labeled lectins to testis cells from ICR and t/t6 mice before and after trypsin treatment. Soybean agglutinin, wheat germ agglutinin, and concanavalin A bound well to testis cells of both mouse strains. Limax flavus agglutinin (LFA) bound very slightly and Ulex europeas agglutinin (UEA) did not bind at all. Trypsinization increased binding of soybean agglutinin and decreased binding of wheat germ agglutinin in both mouse strains, providing evidence for masked carbohydrate-binding sites on the surface of germ cells. It did not affect binding of the other lectins. Trypsin treatment was an attempt to increase lectin binding, particularly the binding of LFA and UEA to the reported T/t-specific carbohydrates, sialic acid, and L-fucose, respectively. These studies indicate that the T/t6 locus alleles do not alter the surface carbohydrate content of testis cells sufficiently to be detected by lectin-binding differences.