The Development and Personality of Engineers

An analysis of engineers and engineering making use of a scheme of the gratifications that work can offer and of theories of personality development. Using previous analyses of the activities of engineers and psychometric and interview studies, the following characteristics were found: (a) concentrates on material products and practical outcomes; (b) adopts a clear masculine role and exhibits a strong identification with authority; (c) prefers the planful, orderly, and objective; (d) through specialization finds travel and adventure, shows daring, satisfies mainly impersonal curiosities, augments his physical powers, and acts in manners derivative of the male role. Concerning developmental influences some support is found for: (a) his father and mother being clearly differentiated in sex role; (b) vigorous enforcement of clear‐cut rules; (c) a close relationship between father and son; (d) an early emphasis on self‐reliance and achievement.

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