Drosophila MyD88 is required for the response to fungal and Gram-positive bacterial infections

We report here the identification and functional characterization of DmMyD88, a gene encoding the Drosophila homolog of mammalian MyD88. DmMyD88 combines a Toll-IL-1R homology (TIR) domain and a death domain. Overexpression of DmMyD88 was sufficient to induce expression of the antifungal peptide Drosomycin, and induction of Drosomycin was markedly reduced in DmMyD88-mutant flies. DmMyD88 interacted with Toll through its TIR domain and required the death domain proteins Tube and Pelle to activate expression of Drs, which encodes Drosomycin. DmMyD88-mutant flies were highly susceptible to infection by fungi and Gram-positive bacteria, but resisted Gram-negative bacterial infection much as did wild-type flies. Phenotypic comparison of DmMyD88-mutant flies and MyD88-deficient mice showed essential differences in the control of Gram-negative infection in insects and mammals.