Calcium and Magnesium Uptake by Barley Seedlings

Easurements have been made of calcium [Ca] and magnesium [Mg] uptake to barley seedlings (Hordeum vulgare) growing on nutrient solutions. Uptake to the shoot increased with solution concentration and showed a preference for Mg, largely due to the action of transpiration. Though uptake of both ions was increased by higher transpiration, Mg was more affected than was Ca. In the root, Ca was taken up preferentially to Mg, and the levels were not affected by transpiration rate. Uptake of Ca and Mg was little affected by the concentration of sodium and potassium, and appears to be a separate process. The main difference between uptake of monovalent and divalent cations was that uptake of monovalent ions was largely independent of concentration, but uptake of divalent cations was proportional to it.