High‐resolution capillary array electrophoretic sizing of multiplexed short tandem repeat loci using energy‐transfer fluorescent primers

Short tandem repeat regions (STRs) from the polymorphic loci VWFA, THO1, TPO and CSF were amplified by the multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and analyzed by capillary array electrophoresis with fluorescence detection of energy transfer (ET) labels. The fluorescent ET primers are labeled with one fluorescein at the 5′ end and a second fluorescein at the position of the 7th or 9th (modified) base to produce fragments that fluoresce in the green (λmax = 525 nm). M13 A‐track sequencing fragments, used as an internal sizing standard, were generated with a universal primer that has a donor fluorescein at the 5′ end and a rhodamine acceptor at the position of the 11th (modified) base to produce fragments fluorescing in the red (> 590 nm). The labeled DNA fragments were excited at 488 nm, and the fluorescence was detected with a two‐color confocal fluorescence scanner. Separations were performed on arrays of hollow fused silica capillaries filled with denaturing and replaceable hydroxyethyl cellulose sieving matrices. Separations were complete in less than 50 min, and single base resolution as well as reproducible STR sizing was achieved. The relative standard deviation in sizing was below 0.6%. This work establishes the feasibility of high‐resolution, high‐speed and high‐throughput STR typing of single‐stranded DNA fragments using capillary array electrophoresis.