Population genetics and forensic efficiency data of 4 AMPFLP's

Summary Family studies were carried out in a population sample from north west Germany using 4 amplifiable VNTR polymorphic systems D1S80 (MCT118), ApoB, D17S30 (YNZ22) and COL2A1. Separation was carried out in polyacrylamide gels and visualised using silver staining. In family studies (n = 30) no evidence of new mutations was found. The population study of unrelated individuals (mothers and putative fathers) showed that all 4 systems were highly polymorphic and similar to other population studies. The combined exclusion chance was calculated to be approximately 99% and the combined discrimination index 1.5 · 10−4. The HardyWeinberg equilibrium was checked by forming groups of alleles and no significant deviations could be found in all systems.