Secretory Characteristics of the Rat Nasal Glands

The distribution of the secretory elements in the nasal mucosa and the nature of their secretory products were studied with the use of light- and electronmicroscop-ical techniques and radioisotopes. Unicellular glands showed a varying density at different sites of the nasal cavity and their distribution appeared to depend on envi ronmental conditions. In contrast to the human nose, the multicellular glands are concentrated in two large glandu lar masses, which appeared to consist of various glands. They differed in producing either a glycoprotein or a non-glycoprotein containing secretion, in the character of the secretory granules and in the nature of the glycoproteins. The secretions are drained at different sites in the nasal cavity. Uptake and release of radioisotopes suggest a rather high activity of the glandular tissue.