Structure of odd-oddSb132

New information is presented on the decay of 40-s Sn132 to levels of odd-odd Sb132. A second β-fed 1+ level was identified in Sb132; it lies at an energy of 2268 keV and is fed by a relatively strong 0.83% β-decay branch. Four γ rays were identified that form a weakly populated cascade from a level at 483 keV. Coincidence data demonstrate that the 254-keV level in this cascade is the 102-ns isomer identified previously by Clark et al. A 96-keV, isomeric γ ray has been assigned to the decay of the 4.1-min, 8 isomer in Sb132. It may also be the 96-keV transition that is associated with the 1.8-μs isomer identified in the A=132 chain by Clark et al. The splitting of the levels in the proton-neutron multiplets is discussed and compared with the results of several recent shell-model calculations.