Developed turbulence: From full simulations to full mode reductions

  • 5 August 1996
Developed Navier-Stokes turbulence is simulated with varying wavevector mode reductions. The flatness and the skewness of the velocity derivative and the intermittency corrections of the scaling exponents $\zeta_p$ of the p$^{th}$ order velocity structure functions strongly depend on the degree of mode reduction. % throw out next sentence if shortening is required They show a crossover towards the value of the full numerical simulation when the viscous subrange starts to be resolved. The scaling corrections are well described within the She-Leveque model with a resolution dependent codimension of the dissipative structures. {\it Universal} scaling properties (i.e., independent of the degree of mode reduction) are however found for the relative scaling exponents $\rho_{p,q} = (\zeta_p - \zeta_3 p/3 )/ (\zeta_q - \zeta_3 q/3 )$. They also agree with the values predicted by the She-Leveque model.

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