Variation amongTrifoliumspecies for resistance to iron‐deficiency chlorosis

Little information is available regarding the amount of genetic variation among and within Trifolium species for resistance to iron (Fe)‐deficiency chlorosis. A calcareous Parrita sandy clay loam soil (clayey, mixed, hyperthermic, shallow Petrocalcic Paleustoll) that had a history of expression of Fe‐deficiency chlorosis problems in forage sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. (Moench.)) was used to conduct field studies in 1985–86 and 1986–87. Cultivars of seven Trifolium spp.: arrowleaf (T. vesiculosum Savi.), berseem (T. alexandrinum L.), crimson (T. incarnatum L.), red (T. pratense L.), rose (T. hirtum All.), and subterranean (T. subterraneum L. and T. brachycalycinum Katzn. and Morley) clovers were compared for differences in dry matter production and expression of chlorosis symptoms. Cultivars could be ranked for their adaptability to calcareous soil conditions: ‘Bigbee’ berseem = ‘Kenstar’ red = ‘Kondinin’ rose = ‘Clare’ subterranean > ‘Dixie’ crimson >> ‘Mt. Barker’ subterranean > ‘Yuchi’ and ‘Meechee’ arrowleaf.