This paper records for the first time the occurrence of representatives of the Gastropod Order Pulmonata in the Carboniferous rocks of this country. Although several species of the group have been known for many years from rocks of Upper Devonian and Carboniferous age in North America, the only previous record from the Palæozoic rocks of Europe is that of one species, represented by a single fragmentary specimen, from the Lower Permian of France (see p. 405). The specimens which are the subject of this paper were discovered by Mr. W. Wickham King, F.G.S., in January, 1924; I must express my appreciation of his kindness, both in inviting me to undertake their description, and in furnishing all the stratigraphical and other particulars of their occurrence. The shells described have been presented by him to the Geological Department of the British Museum (Natural History), a second series having been given to the Geological Survey. For other information I am indebted to Mr. E. G. Carruthers, Mr. J. Pringle, Prof. P. Pruvost, Dr. A. E. Trueman, and Mr. T. H. Whitehead. The localities to which reference will be made all lie on the northern slope of Clent Hill, in Northern Worcestershire (about 10 miles west-south-west of Birmingham), and are shown on the accompanying sketch-map (p. 402). The geological details in the map are a rather diagrammatic presentation of the results of recent mapping by Mr. King, but the Geological Survey 6-inch map (Worcs. 9 N.E.), published in 1924, should also be consulted, since

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