Dowell , C. E. (The University of Texas, Dallas) and E. D. Rosenblum . Staphylococcal transducing particle. J. Bacteriol. 84: 1076–1079. 1962.—When novobiocin-resistant transductants were isolated under conditions that permitted superinfection, almost all the clones were lysogenic for the transducing phage. If superinfection was prevented, then the transductants isolated were nonlysogenic, suggesting the defective nature of the transducing particle. It was noted that the transducing and plaque-forming particles showed no appreciable difference in buoyant density. No difference was found in transduction rates when either sensitive or lysogenic cells were used as recipients. Transduction rates as high as one transductant per 7 × 10 4 phage particles were obtained for novobiocin resistance.