Three-dimensional tongue surface shapes of English consonants and vowels

This paper presents three-dimensional tongue surfaces reconstructed from multiple coronal cross-sectional slices of the tongue. Surfaces were reconstructed for sustained vocalizations of the American English sounds /i, ■, e, ε, æ, ■, ■, o, ■, ■, r, l, s, ■, θ, n, ■/. Electropalatography (EPG) data also were collected for the sounds to compare tongue surface shape with tongue–palate contact patterns. The study was interested also in whether 3-D surface shapes of the tongue were different for consonants and vowels. Previous research and speculation had found that there were differences in production, acoustics, and linguistic usage between the two groups. The present study found that four classes of tongue shape were adequate to categorize all the sounds measured. These classes were front raising, complete channel, back raising, two-point displacement. The first and third classes have been documented before in the midsagittal plane [cf. R. Harshman, P. Ladefoged, and L. Goldstein, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 62, 693–707 (1976)]. The first three classes contained both vowels and consonants, the last only consonants. Electropalatographic patterns of the sounds indicated three categories of tongue–palate contact: bilateral, cross-sectional, and combination of the two. Vowels used only the first pattern, consonants used all three. The EPG data provided an observable distinction in contact pattern between consonants and vowels. The ultrasound tongue surface data did not. The conclusion was that the tongue actually has a limited repertoire of shapes and positions them against the palate in different ways for consonants versus vowels to create narrow channels, divert airflow, and produce sound.

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